woensdag 29 januari 2025

FAWM.ORG Max Vanremmerden 2025 February Album Writing Month #FAWM

  Max Vanremmerden @max

FAWM.ORG participant since 2006.
FAWM is February Album Writing Month. 
A global event for making new music. 

 Goal is to create like a madman in February and end up with one or two keepers in March.

 Member of the Amsterdam Songwriters Guild.

Former host of the weekly Open Mic Amsterdam from 2011 till 2016.

Host of the 'Grande SoirĂ©e Amusante' events 

at Backstage Hotel Amsterdam NL

 Some rights reserved. TIMAXTAN™ studio273amsterdam™.
© Max Vanremmerden / vanremmerdenmusic 2025

max vanremmerden van remmerden fawm 2025

february album writing month 2025

zondag 26 januari 2025

February Album Writing Month FAWM.ORG Max Vanremmerden

february album writing month max vanremmerden

Over 20 years of participating in February Album Writing Month (FAWM), I’ve developed a workflow that allows me to quickly create a decent recording of a freshly written song. My process always starts with guitar chords and humming a melody.

Despite all the digital possibilities out there, I prefer to keep things pure by using real instruments. I print the lyrics in large text, hang them above a camera, and play the song several times in a row. Usually, the fourth or fifth take is good enough. Thanks to FAWM, I’ve learned not to dwell too long on whether something is "perfect."

Next, I separate the one-take audio track from the video and load it into a mixing program. Most of the effects I use are already preset. Then I record additional vocal tracks and layer in more instruments like guitar, banjo, piano, and keyboard. Once the mix sounds decent, I sync it back with the video footage. Each year, I choose a different color theme for my two-tone videos.

If a song is recorded this way during FAWM, it’s done. After FAWM, I usually end up with three or four keepers, which I test live on stage. Songs often grow and evolve during live performances, but I never rerecord them. Around 90% of the songs I’ve written over the past 20 years were created during FAWM—simple and effective.

These days, I use ChatGPT to check my lyrics for grammar and spelling mistakes. In the past, I relied on native-speaking FAWMers for this. The audio mix I upload to Bandcamp is the same as the one in the videos. My style is defined by one-take #guywithguitar recordings with additional vocals and instruments.